Ngotak (Ngampooz Talks) - "Ngotak Study and Work Overseas Series: IT Opportunity in the Netherlands"
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Talk Show
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Continuing education or working overseas is the dream of many people. Unfortunately, getting to study abroad or studying while internship requires careful preparation and a long struggle.

The Netherlands is a choice for many young generations in Indonesia to continue their education and do an internship or work. Besides providing a multicultural educational environment, the Netherlands also absorbs many foreign workers, either interns or working fully. One of the most needed fields in the Netherlands is IT skill.

If you are interested in studying and having a career in the Netherlands, you need careful preparation. It's a good idea to get more insight from experienced people. that's why Ngampooz prepared a sharing session for you at "Ngotak Study and Work Overseas Series: IT Opportunity in the Netherlands."

With Van der Veer, Paul W.J. (President of VDV Agencies – Consultancy and Chairman of INIT-Group Foundation), we will share some insights on:

Participants understand the reasons for study and work IT in the Netherlands


Participants know what to expect from study and work IT in the Netherlands and what should they prepare for it


Participants know how to find their next step they should take


The difference between studying and working there during the
pandemic and before the pandemic


Participants understand how to set goal after get there and handle culture shocks there


What Will You Get?

Insights and knowledge from the Expert
Speaker's presentation material

This class is suggested for:

Young professionals
Mid-level professionals
All industry professionals
Fresh graduates
College students
Everyone (literally)


-The event will be held on 21st Aug 2021
-The webinar will start at 16:00 (GMT 7).

Please provide us with your valid full name and email address. We will Re-send the Zoom link through your registered email. So, you can find Zoom Link on your Ngampooz Apps ticket and your registered email (we will send it on 21st Aug 2021)
-This class will use English as its language.


The feedback data will determine your presences at the end of the event


You may contact our mimin at Instagram @ngampooz_  for further assistance.

Pemesanan Tiket
Tipe Pemesanan Tiket
Hanya Online
Batas Pemesanan Tiket
21 August 2021
16:00 WIB
Lokasi Acara
Waktu Mulai Acara
21 August 2021
16:00 WIB
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